ERPNext for Manufacturing Industry
ERPNext is a comprehensive enterprise resource planning system that offers best-practice support for multi-mode manufacturers in a broad range of Industries.
ERPNext provides visibility throughout the Manufacturing operation and embedded support for a wide variety of manufacturing processes — including make-to-stock, make-to-order, configure-to-order, engineer-to-order , just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing and materials control, and lean operations. It transforms the supply chain to achieve production plan with your sales plan, manufacturing, finance, and customers.
Listing a few features of ERPNext manufacturing module:
Capacity Planning and Scheduling :
EPRNext helps you in comparing the forecasted demand with supply and inventory position and can formulate material planning requirements. In the Production Planning tool, all the required functionalities are integrated, from project management to production, inventory, and service. Workstation stores information regarding the place where the production operations are carried out.
Streamline Processes & Cost Reductions:
As manufacturers grow, their operations become more and more complex. ERPNext manufacturing software with the use of timesheets for the Production Orders provides accurate, real-time information for the time taken for a Production order and the operating cost for the same. With one source of accurate, real-time information, as a result, it reduces administrative and operations costs. It allows manufacturers to proactively manage operations, prevents disruptions
and delays break up information logjams and helps users make decisions more quickly.
Customizations : In manufacturing industry the customization capabilities of an ERP software plays an important role. ERPNext is flexible and configurable and can be tailored to the unique needs of a business. Customization of Document or fields give freedom to the user to arrange and view the information in the desired format.
Quality inspection: Incoming and Outgoing quality inspection ensure the raw material received and the finished good manufactured are up to the mark of quality parameters. Product specification to quality assurance records provides with better visibility of , allowing us to take corrective action at an earlier stage of the manufacturing process.
We are day by day improving our Manufacturing module and your suggestions are welcome.