I Miss being a Daughter!

Arundhati Sharma
2 min readMar 24, 2017


I miss my parents! I miss being there with them when they need me. I speak to them almost every day but still, I miss them. Yesterday, I called them up and found that mom is having a serious eye infection and they both are at a doctor for a checkup. Dad was sounding tired, he said: “ This is the 3rd doctor we are consulting”. I was upset with him, why he did not inform me about this before. He replied what you could have done beta. You cannot come down, you have a family to look after, a job to report. Don’t worry Ma will be fine. I am there with her. I was in tears.

I miss taking care of my parents as I used to do before marriage. Though they were very young 8 years back but still when Mom used to have a fever I used to cook for her or when Dad met an accident or just not letting them do any work just because I could sense that they are tired.

I realized that I am a wife, mom, and a working professional but am not a daughter anymore. I was upset with this social structure in which my parents thought it was not okay to bother a daughter. Yes! its still the same in those remote villages of Rajasthan where after marriage a girl is everything but not a daughter. They start judging you if your parents live with you for more than a week. If a son in law takes care of in-laws. A grandson says Nana before Dada. Nothing has changed in all these years.

I have decided whether anyone changes or not I am going to change this for myself. I’ll be a daughter with everything I am already. I will take care of them the way I used. Perhaps they have settled with the fact that I cannot look after them as used to but I am not going to settle unless I do.



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