Inspiration !
Inspiration is a curious idea and the amount of influences can affect the nature and creativity of people in countless ways. To pinpoint true inspiration can be difficult, but it is a challenge that we all should take on. This then allows for us to be that inspiration to others! You’ll be surprised how your words can lift others up, or given them a great inspiration or help in certain area they need.
The idea of “inspiration” is a crazy thing to comprehend. Something that one person may not even notice could be the most inspiring thing in the world to someone else — and inspiring in what way? To say? To think about? To create? I’m always curious to find out where people draw their inspiration. So what inspires me! We all have our personal story of struggles and challenges, the courage and conviction of others inspires me to stay true to myself and my beliefs. Most of the times I get my Inspiration from my dad. He is been my inspiration from the time of my adolescence. In fact it most of the times get reflected in my day to day life.
How about inspiring others ? You never know you could be that light at the end of the tunnel they were looking for. Finding inspiration can be difficult, but it can be done on daily basis. My best suggestion to find your inspiration for the day or life goals: Stop, go outside, look around, go for a walk, take notice of family, friends and strangers around you. Explore their courage and creativity to find your own. Your inspiration might be inches away, but don’t’ be afraid to feed your curiosity and explore deeper as inspiration can be found at any time of the day.