Rate Yourself

Arundhati Sharma
2 min readJan 5, 2017


New Year has just begun. We are flooded with the suggestions for New year resolutions. As an individual I am not good at resolutions. I mean I am not bad at following the resolutions made, I am bad at deciding on them. In fact I don’t like the idea at all. Why to wait for a new year if you wish to commit something, i don’t know. Yes yes I know, it is a kind of motivation for many of us and people actually get benefited from the resolutions they make on the first day of the Year.

So my resolution is to my rate myself. Does it sound weird. Maybe yes or no! To manage you must measure. To manage and improve your personal and professional productivity you need to measure it. I am responsible for a lot of things like my health, profession, family, financial, intellectual, social life. And like everyone one I want to be the best. So rating myself can help me to improve. Setting goals is fine, but path to achieve the goals can be crucial if not managed. Rating can help us to identify how we are currently using our time and comparing that with how effectively we are achieving our goals, both on and off the job.

I will be using a 1–10 scale. 1 is “bad”, you don’t get much done but you do make a lot of coffee and have a lot of friends. 10 is “superb”, like the best in the world :-). I know these are very subjective ratings and will vary from time to time. Still the idea is to keep comparing your performance every day in all the tasks you are doing, be it a daily chore.

Gradually gaps will be identified, and question will be “What’s keeping me from being at a 10 in this area?” Finally, incorporate those needed improvements into your schedule and daily planning and continue to improve your productivity to higher levels. Wish me luck so that I can follow my resolution throughout 2017 and be the best!



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