
Arundhati Sharma
2 min readJan 30, 2017


It was yet another point which was briefly discussed on this Tuesday, during our lunch break. So the idea is to start setting targets, and achieving these targets will in turn help us to accomplish our goals. Goals give you focus. Whereas having a life purpose gives you a broad direction to move toward, your goals give you laser focus as to what exactly to spend your time and energy on.

I have always thought in a manner that what do you want to see in your life 1 year from now? 3 years from now? 5 years from now? When you set goals, you start thinking ahead, after which you can plan your life accordingly. Be it my decision of opting for Science Maths in higher secondary then computer engineering, getting married, continuing studies after marriage, job and my cute little son. Everything worked as planned. Yes, there were some up and downs, but at the end I was to achieve what I decided for. My this way of thinking comes from my Dad. For every decision I take, I think what he would have done if he was at my place and I am sorted. Sometimes, I miss my targets but most of the times I am able to achieve. Thanks Dad!

By sitting down and setting some targets, you break out of auto-pilot mode and start living a life of your conscious creation. Instead of waiting for things to happen, you proactively take charge and make things happen. As you’re crafting your goals, you should also take care to take your big picture goals and align them to shorter term goals, including what you need to do this year, this quarter, this month, this week, and today.

Remember, all things are created twice: first in the mind, then in the physical world. The mental creation happens when you set your goals. The physical creation is when you actively pursue and manifest your goal in reality. Without the mental creation, the physical creation can’t happen. When you set goals, you kickoff the very first step in a series of steps to make your goals happen. So lets set target and achieve the goals.



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