Thank you!

Arundhati Sharma
2 min readJan 2, 2017


Isn’t this the word we all wish to hear, at least when we have been doing things which deserve thanks. Casual thank yous are frequent. That’s for a cup of coffee offered to you, you get a place to sit in a crowded train, or may to the delivery boy when you get a parcel. I’m talking about the sincere, time-consuming “thank you.” This one comes real hard. I as a support analyst often use these word and the time when we get to hear these words back. Its magical then!

We say thank you for a prospect’s interest in our product. We say thanks when a customer subscribes with us, when he cooperates and wait for us to fix a issue and release it later. We make sure that the customer feels that the thank you from our side is not just the causal one, its genuine.We mean it for all the contribution and patience they have been keeping through out their journey with us.

And then comes the time when we get to here these nice words “Thank You”. Customer writes back to us when he likes the product, it is helping them to ease the day to day transactions, monitor the business processes and improve the productivity. They say thanks for every new version released. They also say thank you when they get their issues replied faster, when we take the effort to schedule a session to resolve the issue quickly, for the times when they mark issues urgent and we take that “urgent” serious enough and solve the problem. Every thanks said by the client is worth a million for us. We use these words as motivation for the team. To become better and best in the world!

This is such a beautiful give and take relationship which continues unless we stop saying “thank you”. I love being part of this and wish to give more and take lot in return :-)



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